Head of the department: Ph.D. Mesud Ajanović, Associate professor

Secretary of the department: Milan Eremija, Assistant


  • Ph.D. Perica Gojković, Full professor
  • Ph.D. Mesud Ajanović, Associate professor
  • Ph.D. Zdravko Nunić, Associate professor
  • Ph.D. Zoran Ristikić, Assistant professor


  • MSc Miroslav Pavlović, Senior Assistant
  • Milan Eremija, Assistant


1. Vehicles and devices

2. Operation and maintenance

3.  SUS engines

4.  Motor vehicles

5.  Basic modes of transport 1

6.  Fundamentals of thermodynamics

7.  Fundamentals of fluid mechanics

8 . Fuel and lubricant technology

9. Fundamentals of vehicle dynamics

10. Fuel supply systems

11. Alternative fuels and unconventional vehicle drives

12. Mechatronic systems for engines and vehicles

13. Compressors, pumps and fans

14. Materials of road vehicles

15. SUS engine design

16. SUS engine equipment

17. Vehicle design and calculation

18. Operation and maintenance of vehicles

19. Engine diagnostics and maintenance

20. Design and organization of vehicle maintenance systems

21. Technical inspection and homologation of vehicles

22. Technical diagnostics of motor vehicles

23. Advanced fluid dynamics – gas dynamics

24. Elasticity theory

25. Torsional oscillations of the SUS engines

26. SUS engine charging

27. Engine dynamics SUS

28. Process modeling in engines

29. Vehicle active safety system

30. Special purpose vehicles

31. Accident analysis

32. Aerodynamics and vehicle design

33. Vehicle transmission 34. Unconventional vehicle drives